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A guide to lead engaging pre-shifts

To support leaders, both new and seasoned, there is now a 13 page guide available for you to add to your toolkit. Start to build you confidence in leading engaging pre-shifts. Choose an activity and make it your own. They won't always be a hit, sometimes they will fall flat, and that's ok! We only learn who we are as leaders and what gets our team excited by trying something new.

What you'll get:

  • A template to structure and plan your pre-shifts weekly
  • Consistency within the leadership team of the messaging at your pre-shifts
  • Over a dozen activities to give a try 
  • A heightened confidence in public speaking

This is a complete guide for you to refer to over and over, throughout your career. 

What People Are Saying:

These tools were probably the most helpful resource I’ve had in my 16 years in the industry. I learnt how to be a stronger communicator and how to create a more collaborative work environment with my team. And I now have a personalized toolkit on how to reserve my energy for the situations and people that need it to the most, starting with myself!

J.L, General Manager