Ep 22 - The bridge between the bartender and the brand through storytelling with Josh Gandee

Ep 22 - The bridge between the bartender and the brand through storytelling and mentorship with Josh Gandee

Josh shared his career journey starting as a “factory worker” at The Cheesecake Factory to founding his production company with his friend / business partner. Josh’s drive is fueled by his curiosity to learn. He has placed himself in big opportunities for growth throughout his career because he continued to tap into his inner trust that he could achieve anything he wanted to learn about. He shares” there are always pathways around you that can help you move to the next step.” Josh also openly shares his sobriety journey and how it has impacted his life and relationships, what leadership means to him and how he has become a mentor to himself and others.

Josh’s guidance on how he navigates imposture thoughts: 

  • Check in with yourself and take inventory - when you have those moments of constraint, can you pinpoint what it is or simply sit with it. 
  • It’s all about trusting yourself that you are an expert at your craft and you will get through this moment of self doubt. 

About Josh:

Joshua Thomas Gandee is a bartender, runner, creative, and podcast host who has worked in and around the restaurant industry for over a decade. Joshua quit drinking in 2017 and began creating a non-alcoholic culture in his city and beyond through recipes, recommendations, and a penchant for any water that bubbles. Joshua believes a change in mindset, can produce a change in identity and works to be the best version of himself possible while helping to lift the spirits of those around him.

Find Josh at the no/low tour! https://www.barandrestaurant.com/food-beverage/nolow-tour-back-2024

For more resources on leadership and eliminating the sticky energy from team culture, visit The School of Hospitality from Within