Ep 32 - One foot in front of the other, no matter if you are at the start or in the messy middle with Sam Pogue

Ep 32 - One foot in front of the other, no matter if you are at the start or in the messy middle with Sam Pogue

Sam Pogue is creative, a free spirit and a master community builder! In this conversation, she shares her career journey while reminding us that there is no linear path, but to always follow your heart and passion. Because it will never steer you astray! She now resides in Baja Sur and has taken all of her business acumen and deep passion to connect people to create multiple spaces to highlight the makers and artisans in her community. We have so much to learn from Sam, including a few words of wisdom and “be cautious with who you share your dreams with.”


About Sam

Sam Pogue is the co-founder of The Co-Op Baja where she focuses on experiential design and operations. Sam is also the founder of paper to table, a small business that post-pandemic has evolved from event programming and production, to working with other small business owners to brainstorm and facilitate their own fresh pivots and expansions.   

The Co-Op Baja is a Baja Sur studio that brings to market artisans in Mexico, who create functional art for home & hospitality businesses through the sale of handmade products and programmed experiences. 

Sam Pogue’s superpower is building community…said a very smart person to me once.

For more resources on leadership and eliminating the sticky energy from team culture, visit The School of Hospitality from Within