Transform Your Interview Anxiety into Confidence and Land Your Dream Job!

Imagine stepping into your next job interview filled with confidence, ready to showcase your true self.
Failing to transform interview nerves into positive energy could mean missing out on incredible job opportunities.
I've been where you are, wrestling with interview nerves, and I'm thrilled to guide you on your journey to becoming a confident and authentic job candidate.

Benefits of this course:
1. Learn to manage the emotional rollercoaster of job interviews, turning anxiety into anticipation. This shift is crucial for presenting yourself as a confident and authentic candidate.
2. Discover your true career desires by aligning your job search with your personal and professional values. Finding an authentic match leads to more fulfilling work.
3. Gain access to practical tools and exercises that prepare you for every aspect of the interview process, enhancing your confidence and chances of success.

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"We define hospitality as showing up for yourself first so you can show up for others." - Kim Lerner

 “Working with Kim not only changed my vision for myself and my career for the better, it also showed me how to develop the tools I would need to engage with my community. The shift she facilitated in my career has opened me up to more friendships, partnerships, opportunities and fulfillment.” Mirra Sims, Culinary Director
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"Professor Lerner always reiterates how important it is to get to one another’s languages and ways to support one another while working in the dining room. Professor Lerner has always been supportive, understanding, kind and thoughtful in the way she learns all of her students' and colleagues' languages both inside and outside of the classroom. Throughout the semester, I have a newfound understanding and respect for teams. Working in a team can be challenging, especially if you do not have the tools and resources to keep you safe. I’m so glad I have a full toolbox to support me now!" - Jessica M


"As a first-time manager at a popular and bustling restaurant, you can easily feel overwhelmed. There is so much to take in already, along with making sure you are doing your best while feeling confident about it. Kim was my leader, and my coach, in showing me how to harness the confidence within and to bring a stellar work ethic into it. The support is heartfelt, and at times the advice felt uncomfortable, but it only made positive outcomes for all. Truly lucky to have been able to have such a seasoned and professional human in the industry to show me details I would have never seen so early on! I have now gained personal and professional skills to take with me through my career and my personal life. Thank you, Kim!!" - Serafina D

About Kim


Kim Lerner is a leadership coach and professor at CUNY Kingsborough College for hospitality professionals. Kim’s hospitality career spans over 2 decades at some of the most well-respected establishments in New York City such as Aureole, Union Square Hospitality Group, Emma’s Torch, Restoration Hardware and 232 Bleecker, where in each role she’s held, she continued to make an impact on her team, her community, and the ecosystem of the hospitality industry. On this journey through an ever-changing landscape, she defined the fundamentals of her own leadership style: kindness, trust community, and building an in-house culture that transcends its four walls. It is this style of leadership that has made her a pioneer in the industry, challenging the status quo and always looking to better the climate of an industry she holds so dear to her heart.

Many years ago she was in the process of opening a restaurant and training for a marathon, and she had an epiphany. She was pushing herself too hard professionally, personally and physically. She realized she can’t do it all and if she do, she'd burn out completely. This indeed happened. 

So she developed “only yummy”: a mantra and a practice of only doing things that feel delicious for her soul. Making space for things in her life that are important to her, that light her up and that fill her cup. 

 She felt a deep calling to coach and teach, to support individuals embarking on the same journey. She empowers her clients and students to redefine hospitality from the inside out, guiding them back to themselves through the power of accountability and alignment. She also support companies in creating sustainable cultures that truly put their people first.    

Kim operates the only way a NYC native with French roots can — with conviction, effortlessness and a side of beurre.

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